Wednesday, October 5, 2011

'tis the season... to be healthy

I need to get better about doing many things (one being updating this blog more regularly!). When I set goals, I usually reach them. I am moving to Colorado soon, one of the health capitals of the US. I want to go outdoors more- you can't do that here in MN over half the year. I need to just workout more in general again. I love Sports Authority and tend to get my workout gear there. Tonight, I found an awesome giveaway (ends 10/6) just in time!:

Shibley Smiles $250 Sports Authority giftcard giveaway

There's another link to SA videos for different fitness styles to fit everyone's lives. I liked the Yoga Essentials one, as when I do get exercise, it is usually stretching and yoga poses. I would love to try the yoga block and resistance bands but the mat is a great investment. Well mine was free because of my old job but either way- I would have bought one. They're affordable so the investment isn't huge. Anyway, it's far more pleasant than trying to workout on a wood floor!

If I won the wonderful prize from Shibley Smiles and Sports Authority, I would use it for the above pieces, as well as more workout gear (yoga pants! new shoes!). Thanks for sponsoring this giveaway!

**yoga tree pose picture from here

Saturday, August 27, 2011

keep on dancin' til the world ends...

@Krisgetshealthy loses 180+pounds & celebrates with a giveaway at

Kris' get healthy contest reminded me that my blog needs to be updated regularly again, now with so much going on! I'm beginning grad school for my Master's in Sport & Exercise Psychology and moving to Denver in a month! There's so much to do and I'll try to be better at this like I used to be with LJ.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

forget what you've heard. it's not true.

Day 3 in Rome and I'm already worn out. After yesterday's 20 mile hike in heels, I spent today riding around the city's centre by bike. Now, you may have heard that everyone in Italy likes to do things leisurely. Either this isn't true or I am living with the exceptions to the rule LOL I think everytime we go somewhere, it's like being in a triathalon. I cannot ride bike very fast- it's always been a slower-paced, scenic activity for me. Hiking is not a common activity in the flat area in which I live. Neither is Nascar-style driving but I've driven in crazy conditions in MN. However, we don't just park wherever there might be room, in any direction, or on sidewalks.

Today, we got our bikes (mine rented) and rode to the Museum of Modern Art. It was 15euros and it had art from different galleries around the world. One of the pieces, Home For The Homeless (I believe) was the scariest thing I've ever seen. It was in a tent, and a separate exhibit near the artist too. There were dummies made out of garbage bags and wearing hoodies with REAL people's faces on them talking. When I got to the artist's exhibit area, she showed me how it worked- the faces were projected onto white masks. It was cool but FREAKY. Best pieces there, I think. Very original.

Then we continued riding around the city, along the Tiber River, through (in no order) Piazza del Popollo, Trastevare (my favorite & where the American University is that I was going to attend), near the Vatican and other areas I am now forgetting. We didn't really stop so the pictures I took are all while moving. We rode for 6 hours and I don't think I've had that much cardio in years. It was a nice, quick way to see the city though. It's very beautiful.

As for forgetting what you've heard: Italians do, in fact, wear jeans and tennis shoes daily. You do not eat gelato every day. There aren't THAT many people that know much English. Nothing is close to anything else. I'm sure I am forgetting a lot of things here but future entries will include more.


Friday, May 6, 2011


Salve from Italia! Yes, I will mix the two languages together here, or translate. The family goes to sleep at 9:30pm but know I will be talking to family and friends back home after with the 7-9 hour time differences. Plus we get up at 7:30am so that offers me an adequate amount of time to sleep.

Only problem so far: plug-ins. I have to use the big converter to plug my computer power chord into and my flatiron, which does not appear to work here. Frizzy hair from day to day- hope no one minds! Since I have to use the wifi downstairs at the moment, I can only use my laptop until the power runs out. I'm at 39% now.

Yesterday was really long, with being at MSP at 3:30am, flying to Newark on a small plane in a lot of turbulence and 19 people on board, and then sitting at EWR for 8 hours between flights. None of that is really interesting enough to describe in detail so fast forward to Rome.

We landed and were told that "since it is a nice day out, we are bringing the stairs to exit on the tarmac." So all 500 of us (or whatever) had to exit the plane outside and then hop on a tram to bring us to the actual building. There is no going right to the baggage claim- you have to go through Immigration first. Imagine several planes landing at the same time and everyone crowding to try to get through one of only TWO lines of Immigration to check passports. I thought I was going to be there for hours. Some British ladies that flew in from Singapore felt bad for me, being alone I presume, and brought me with as they fought their way through the crowd. The process for me probably was a total of 45 minutes and would've been much longer without those ladies.

By the way, not one single person here has had a stigma about me being American. The Italians *are* as welcoming as people claim and even though I haven't met any that speak English yet, it is still possible to sort of communicate.

The luggage turnstile took forever and I began to think my luggage went MIA after MSP. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to re-claim and check it in Newark or not but the tag did say EWR and FCO (Rome). Luckily, both of my suitcases showed up and only 1 thing in my bag exploded/had a mishap- my eyeshadow pallet. I hadn't even thought to put that in a separate baggie from my cosmetics case. Anyway, I wasn't sure where I was supposed to meet my family and had already passed a few people holding signs. I ventured outside and low and behold, there was my Italian dad, Mossimo, with a sign reading my name. He knew who I was right away and he, along with mom Alessia and the youngest boy, Filippo greeted me. We hopped in the car to get some breakfast and since I'm not a coffee connesseur yet, I ordered a standard cappuccino and brioche (a croissant). The guys working at the bar, which is their coffee shop, were about my age and the one making my cappuccino drew a heart in it for "the American" HAHA! I did take a picture of that via iPhone so I'll add it to this post later.

Then we were off to the polizia with a copy of my passport, I gathered to report I was living here as a temporary citizen. The Romans really do drive as crazy as everyone says; there are no stoplights and the few stop signs you see are not obeyed. It is pretty much every man for himself on the road. They also do not care if you are a pedestrian in a crosswalk. Almost all of the cars I saw were small Fiats, except the one I will be driving, which is a Mercedes. I was starting to feel a bit ill during the ride with all the craziness on the road and some jetlag but we only had one more stop to get a SIM card for my international phone.

After that, we made it to the house. It's really a bunch of houses built around gardens with a building in the center of it. I'm not sure what that is yet. My bedroom is on the top floor and the French doors to the balcony open up to the garden, which is my favorite part so far. I also have use of a walk-in closet, my own desk & chair, and my king-sized bed. I showered, put away my clothes, and then took a nap. The family was out running errands so I could rest a bit and settle in. I'm not positive how long I napped but I believe it was about 4 hours (and seemed like 30 minutes).

I walked downstairs and Mossimo and Fillipo were down there, waiting for the other boys and Alessia to come in from buying vegetables. The family eats organically, which is awesome. I said ciao to the other two boys, Tomasso and Edouardo and they showed me some Italian singers on youtube. One was a rapper and I wrote his name down because he was too funny. Then I cut some strawberries for dinner and a torta (pie) that we will be bringing to a party tomorrow. I'm not clear on the details for that yet but I think we are going to the Mediterranean Sea first and then the party. Dinner was really good and all new things I'd never had before. I think 3 of the items were meat, there were homemade fries and then greens and bread. We had strawberries with freshly squeezed lemon juice and brown sugar over them. Those were delicious.

After I helped clean up from dinner, I got out the tshirts I brought everyone. They were all perfect-size and the boys wanted to sleep in theirs. They usually go to sleep at 8:30pm and the parents 9:30 or a bit after. We will get up at 7:30am tomorrow.

My first impression of the outskirts of Rome is that I love it. Passing by the shops and cute elderly people and everyone seeming to know everyone else was fun to see. I got to see some Mussolini-era buildings near the polizia. That's all I have for my first update, other than the fact to say I am getting tired. At home, it would only be 3:16pm! It is 10:16 here!


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It is cruel, you know, that life should be so beautiful.

In about 30 hours, I will begin my descent into the mysterious skies, en route to Rome with a layover in Newark. This moment has been a long time in the making and it still isn't sinking in, as I sit here with stuff thrown everywhere but my suitcases. I'm not sure why it doesn't just pack itself.

As I sit in the President's Club at EWR, I think that is the moment when it will all become real. No, not even the first plane ride but the one over the Atlantic, when all you see out the window on an overnight flight is the darkness below. By the way, I will be wifi-ing it up from that airport for 8 hours so some of you better be online to keep me company LOL

In Italy I'll most likely use my computer in the morning or later at night (Rome time), since I work late afternoons/evenings over there. I will be teaching English to 3 boys, ages 10, 7 and 4. Hopefully, they'll help me with my Italian too! I am doing a homestay so I can fully immerse myself into the Italian culture. My family there eats organically and they also own a ristorante/pizzaria! I will be living near the Vatican, just across the highway from the Vatican gardens. There's so much to see in just that city alone that I know I won't cover it all.

Now, I had been planning this 3-month homestay with a possible Visa extension/residency if I really became attached. That's why I've called it a move. I wasn't sure if I was actually coming back for good or just long enough to tie loose ends, grab my cats (to bring over) and spend time with family and friends once again before going back. You can't really plan such things. Well you can but life always has a funny way of turning out.

I'm finally trying to take life one day at a time, instead of laying everything out and being disappointed if things changed. Tonight, while incredibly happy, I'm also extremely bummed. Life shouldn't be like that- always having to take the extremely best of the best with the worst. I'm not sure if anyone else has made that observation but I've known this for years. Things don't just get handed to you without a huge obstacle.

In the overall picture, the obstacle I encountered tonight is just a small part of what my life will be like for the next few months. We will cross the bridge of everything else when we get to it. This point in time is when I'm reorganizing my life so I'm not just living to live. I will do the things I say I want to do. I will go where I want to go. I'll take the good with the bad and eventually realize, it all turns out in the end.

Make it happen.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

dancing slowly in an empty room...

I gave notice today to my current nanny family about Italy.

Italy is just 22 days away now. !

Homework needs to be my priority, as Finals week just happens to coincide with flying-to-Rome week. Yes, I have a Linguistics Final the morning before I fly out. How awesome is that? I have a lot of homework to do still but the weekend is now calling for SNOW and cold temps. Hibernation, here I come.

I had planned to have a garage sale at my sister's on Saturday. Pretty sure no one will come in snow and 30-degree weather though, ahaha. Not like I'd want to sit out there myself. I have stuff I need to get rid of but don't have time to put it all on craigslist + most of it is clothes. I've donated so much of my stuff that I thought maybe I could use a little extra money from selling things. Looks like I'll have to list just a select few things on eBay. That's all I have time for.

Oh! I purchased my unlocked cell phone last night too. It's an LG Cookie and super cute. Even though I assume using the internet via phone would be super expensive with a prepaid sim card, I got a phone with internet anyway so I could still use it later if needed. My iPhone should be able to work like an iPod over there via wifi. At least, I'm really hoping it does.

Have to get up early tomorrow to bring my car to the dealership. They messed up my windshield wipers back in January and I've had to reschedule my return appointment at least 500 times since then because of weather. Of course, Mother Nature chose tomorrow to rain so I can't see (w/o the wipers, obvs). Sigh.

Monday, April 4, 2011

everything in its right place

As everything comes down to the wire for my departure, I have been super busy! That's probably obvious (and an understatement) but here's a brief recap of Italy-related preparations since my last update.

My flight is booked! Just when I start to become anxious about something- and believe me when I say I am the most patient person I know- that's when it turns out alright. Of course. It is hard to understand the pace at which Italy does things, being at a distance for the moment. I am excited for the more relaxed nature of doing things, as opposed to the American "always in a hurry" mentality, though. My original flight preferences skyrocketed in price by the time I was able to book so I ended up with an 8-hour layover on the way THERE in luxurious Newark, NJ. LOL! I have no idea how I will spend 8 hours in an airport on US soil. Most likely, I'll be doing things online (and checking out Dunkin Donuts- they have one!). The flight is obviously an overnighter and I'll arrive in Rome at 7:45am local time. This will seem like over 24 hours to me, what-with departing here at 6:03am our time. I do realize there's a 7-hour time difference so mathematically, 24 hours is not correct but we are figuring in jetlag here.

The return flight is a bit more "exciting," if that's the correct word I'm searching for. I fly from Rome into Munich for a couple hours, then over to Chicago, my least favorite airport I've ever visited. O'Hare is huge and they always seem to organize flights so that you are running from one end of the airport to the the complete opposite side on minimal time. I missed my flight the last time I was there. I was booked with a 45 minute layover going from concourse B on the right end (if you consult a map) to concourse L on the left end- no kidding. I am relieved to see the international arrivals are all in one terminal and my layover is something like 2 hours. Then I fly back here from Chicago, which is just over an hour flight.

Other than arranging and booking my flight, I have also obtained my International Driver's Permit!! This was super exciting, as I've never had one before. The process is as simple as getting a passport-sized photo taken, showing your current/valid license, signing some dotted lines and paying $15. Our local AAA has a travel store with this service so I was able to pick up a few items for my trip while I was there too. The Permit is actually a little paper book, like a mock-passport. This was a bit disappointing. I think I imagined more of an ID card but then again, $15 isn't going to produce anything fancy. I also waited in the wrong area for my #605 to be called (they were on #40 when I got there...) and when I was finally called up, I was informed I only needed to go to the travel store, where I had started out browsing while waiting for my #. Ha!!

I have also purchased some Euros here to get me started. Now I'm wondering if it's better to wait and exchange at a local bank in Rome for more or to do another exchange here. I'm also getting a Visa Travel Money card from a bank with some money on that for a backup form of currency. Italy is heavily-Euro-centric though and "cash is king." If anyone has knowledge of the Rome bank vs local exchange of Euros idea, let me know. They used travelers' checks and Lira the last time I was in Italy so long ago.

4.5 weeks to go...!

Friday, March 18, 2011

don't need nothin' but a good time...

What a week. Daylight Savings time seemed to have gotten the best of everyone. We're all tired; our schedules are off and general weirdness has ensued.

I did hear back from my family in Italy again and they sent me pictures of themselves! That was the highlight of my week. They seem to really love outdoor activities, which will be perfect in summer in Rome. They are 15 minutes from the city's center and 20 minutes from the Mediterranean.

My flight is still not booked though. I don't have a departure date yet and it is causing me a lot of anxiety. Airfare is going up because of all the ordeals in the middle east and everything that has happened in Japan. I don't mean to sound selfish by mentioning that but prices had already gone up $500 since I first started searching 6 months ago so to have it go up another $200 in a day is huge. I won't be able to afford a flight if it stays that high.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

cutest blog in the land

This site specializes in reviews and giveaways... I also think the layout is ADORABLE

I entered to win a SodaStream;) I love those things. The family I nanny for in the US has one and the kids love using it for a special treat. The syrups do come in diet and low calorie versions so a typical drink can be 35 calories! I don't drink regular soda often at all so this invention is awesome. The giveaway includes not only a sample pack of these syrups but 3 full size bottles as well. LOVE.

Soda Stream.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

i get by with a little help from my friends...

On Tuesday, I had a good feeling about something. I wasn't sure what but I knew the thought of a good Tuesday was rare. After I got ready for the day, I checked my email and low and behold, there was an email saying there might be a match for me with a host family in Rome! Now if you've been following what little I've posted of this upcoming journey so far, you might be thinking, "aren't you leaving REALLY soon?" The answer is: yes. 7 weeks from today, I believe. WHOA.

The timeline for finding a host family is actually on track. Those things do not happen several months in advance (plus wouldn't that leave a ton of room for either party to change their mind?). Approximately 8 weeks before departure is when I was told they started matching families. It makes sense to me but those around me seem to be panicking *for* me. LOL Since this is not a definite match yet and I have not directly spoken with this family, I don't want to lay out the details yet of what I know of them. I'll wait until all of that is concrete- whether it's with them or another family. Otherwise, we'll all be bombarded with details that may not even be needed.

I had Italian class on Monday night and realized how much I really enjoy going there. I'm not around a ton of people in my line of work (just kids) so it is nice to be around adults for 1.5 hours a week. Ha! I feel like I'm learning so much in there and am excited to learn more on my own but the truth is, my Italian is lacking. I am trying though and will continue to try in Italy. I just picked up 4 new audiobook sets from the library to add to my computer and iPod. My first priority is still finishing my schoolwork before I go, obviously. That I am not yet caught up in. Grad school is hard. I don't have actual deadlines but I'm not caught up as far as I feel I should be.

Enjoying my cup of lavender tea before bed. Yeah, it's not even 9:30pm and I'm dead-tired. That's how it is all winter. There's no sun so you feel like a sloth all day and can take a nap at any moment. Imagine that for 8 months of the year. I keep changing it but this year, it will be 8 months of pretty much winter. GROSS!

The Roman sun is calling my name.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

there ain't no doubt I love this land...

Excuse the cheesy blog entry title but MY PASSPORT HAS ARRIVED!!! I received an email last Wednesday morning, saying it would be delivered the following Monday. Imagine my surprise when 2 hours later, the mail truck showed up in my driveway (never happens) and I watched the mail lady pull out a USPS flat rate envelope in slow motion... I knew it was my passport and super EARLY too! It only took about 2 weeks to renew it.

I was so happy, "Proud To Be An American" popped into my head when I opened it. ahaha I'm serious. I liked how the actual picture was attached to the old ones, instead of being scanned onto the new ones but the new passports are beautiful.

So now, I sit back for a bit and wait to hear about my new Italian family and which area of Rome I will be living in.

There are only 8 weeks left.

YIKES! While this is all so exciting and I can't wait, I still have a lot to do! Everything I own has to be donated, sold or boxed. Plus, I'm taking my Grad courses at the same time, so there are those.

Lets do this!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

what a girl wants...

Dear Crissy is giving away an HP TouchSmart 310

I am still trying to get used to blogger so please be patient if my html shows up wrong and I edit the post 14 times to correct it. I do know basic html but I haven't used those skills in about 10 years.

Anyway, I am posting about the HP TouchSmart 310 contest because I would love one! I don't actually have a desktop computer. I *had* one when I moved from California but I gave it to my sister-in-law to use. My classes are online and it is really hard for me to be productive if I am not sitting at a desk. My old Macbook Pro died less than a year after buying it- not by product failure but due to a sleep-induced accident so I only claim partial responsibility. LOL I do use my phone now most often for the internet. Having a desktop computer would mean getting my assignments done on time and in the correct format! Being a user of Apple products for a few years made me unable to type things in Microsoft Word for class or take online skill tests for jobs- which has caused big issues. Oh how I would love a desktop PC again... and one that is so compact too!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

take this sinking boat and point it home

FINALLY mailed my passport in for renewal today- despite it still being WAY below 0F. It will arrive in Philly on Friday, take 4-6 weeks (est) and be sent back to me via overnight service. Yeah!!

Now to finish the letter to my new future host family and find some family pictures as well. The translation of my form to the Italian consulate- in Italian- is completed but I want to send it to my Italian instructor to proofread. Making a mistake on a short answer-formatted form TO Italy would be beyond embarrassing.

I really shouldn't type so late at night. It's just not very poetic. But that's really all I have for updates regarding Italy today. This blog will chug along like my VW up my current nanny family's icy, steep driveway until closer to trip time.

Choo choo!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

it's all happening...

My next round of paperwork for ITALY was turned in last weekend! Now we begin the more in-depth paperwork in order to match me up with a family, since I am doing a homestay. I have to translate some of this next batch of paperwork into Italian!

Today, I got my new passport photos taken so I can send my passport in Monday for renewal.

Last weekend, I bought new luggage for my trip (London Fog!) with the swiveling wheels. Instead of two 28" pieces, I opted for one 28" and one 24"- the 24" was on clearance for $64! My search continue for a carry-on that will match, otherwise I will be just fine with the one I got a couple months ago from a giftcard my part-time mall job had given me. It has a giraffe pattern so it doesn't quite match my classy London Fog luggage but it's a carry-on so I'm not as concerned about it matching. I haven't measured it yet though. Carry-ons can be 24" x 14" x 9". The LF dome bag carry-on I want is selling for $48 on sale, but I found a brand new one on ebay that I forgot to bid on for $17.99 (and it sold at that price too... *kicking self*).

My US Italian family that I part-time nanny for gave me a book of the "First 1000 Words to Learn In Italian." It's pretty awesome. It has pictures just like a kids' book to help learn faster. I also had my first Italian language class last Monday night!

Everything is becoming very real!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Golden Globe Awards- My Picks

Tomorrow on NBC, the pre-cursor to the Oscars will air: The Golden Globes.

Each year, I try my hardest to watch as many nominated films as I can. This way, I can give a more accurate decision to who I believe *should* win both awards. There seems to be a lack of depth to the choices in several categories this year. I knew I wanted to see a film last weekend in the theater and one today but had a really hard time deciding which. This is not due to all the wonderful choices out there... and a few of the highly-acclaimed films still aren't widely released in my area.

Without further ado... and please note, these are my choices for who SHOULD win, not who I THINK will win:


-Black Swan
-The Fighter
-The King's Speech
-The Social Network

The Social Network actually blew me away. I wasn't expecting it to, to be honest. A film about our favorite internet time-waster doesn't exactly sound like award-season material. From the very first scene of witty banter, my hopes became high. The script held my interest throughout the entire film. I was intrigued by the background of a multi-billion-dollar empire that I didn't give much thought to when I logged in on a daily basis. Whether the story held truth or not didn't matter. The performances, script, direction and score were all spot on.

I am incredibly confused how The Fighter made it into this category. This film has been critically-panned more than praised and it lacks originality.


-Halle Berry (Frankie and Alice)
-Nicole Kidman (Rabbit Hole)
-Jennifer Lawrence (Winter's Bone)
-Natalie Portman (Black Swan)
-Michelle Williams (Blue Valentine)

I may be the critiquing oddball here but I think Jennifer Lawrence's gritty but understated performace should win here. There was no fancy makeup or costuming in this film. What you saw is what you got. The actors in this film all had to push through rough exteriors with emotional gusto. A bright future lurks for Jennifer Lawrence, who no doubt has casting versatility.

Natalie Portman has her best role yet but it also feels like it could be the beginning of the end to her serious acting career. Her next film is a rom-com with Ashton Kutcher. That speaks for itself. In the film after that, she's "The Other Woman" (literally)- a Hollywood cliche recycled in 3/4 films. Several recent Best Actress winners have nearly fallen off the radar upon winning. This is why I think she *will* win; the signs are pointing in that direction from all sides. Plus, it's really her only far-reaching role to date. The rest have all been consistently... similar.

I have to admit, I am personally surprised that Hailie Steinfeld (True Grit) wasn't nominated. She won the Critics' Choice Award last night, deservedly so, but it is obvious she was shut out of the Globes only because of her age. I think it could have been an opportunity to give notice for her potential in the long haul for Hollywood, instead of one to fail. For shame.

No comment on why Halle Berry and Nicole Kidman are nominated this year.


-Jesse Eisenberg (Social Network)
-Colin Firth (The King's Speech)
-James Franco (127 Hours)
-Ryan Gosling (Blue Valentine)
-Mark Wahlberg (The Fighter)

I honestly laughed when I saw Wahlberg's name in this category. He's proven to have a more serious acting future in "The Lovely Bones." I don't get the choice here at all.

Ryan Gosling is very much a method actor. I don't dislike the guy but I think he is incredibly predictable onscreen. His movements are calculated and as a Filmspotting critic pointed out, he is ALWAYS moving in a scene. He'll scratch his ear, fidget with something, wipe his nose... it's almost like a multiple-choice test. "Which one will he do next?"

It's an incredibly tough choice in this category between the other three but I think it is James Franco's YEAR in everything. He was on General Hospital, just because he could be. People who once hated his non-chalant attitude onscreen before suddenly began to respect him because he creates his own rules. He carried the entire film on his shoulders in this one and physically endured the conditions his character endured in a less than friendly environment. Audiences felt his pain (sometimes a bit too much so) and I have never been in a theater that was as quiet and focused as I did for "127 Hours."

Jesse Eisenberg still has a bright future ahead of him, in so far as I think he will have yet another phenomenal role in a few years. Here, he proved to be an actor with depth that I both loved and hated at the same time. That is one of the single-most important aspects I look for in a leading actor. I just don't think it will be his year. If it is, it will be the peak of his career, sadly.

Colin Firth is so likable and meek and sweet in everything he does. I regretfully have not seen "The King's Speech" yet and am dying too. However, he is so consistent in his films, I almost feel like it wasn't much of a stretch for him this time around. I may be proven wrong.


-Amy Adams (The Fighter)
-Helena Bonham Carter (The King's Speech)
-Mila Kunis (Black Swan)
-Melissa Leo (The Fighter)
-Jacki Weaver (Animal Kingdom)

I feel like half of this category was chosen wrongly. Helena Bonham Carter is my pick because she captivates me in the film's trailers. She does in everything she's in. I think she would be the smartest bet, since the others would all be forgotten after this year if they win. Sad but true.


-Christian Bale (The Fighter)
-Michael Douglas (Wall Street)
-Andrew Garfield (The Social Network)
-Jeremy Renner (The Town)
-Geoffrey Rush (The King's Speech)

That is not a mistake, I have two choices here! Since I haven't seen "The King's Speech" yet, I'm assuming Rush's accolades hold true. He is always brilliant. He will most likely win too. Bale is a strong contender but again: "The Fighter?" Andrew Garfield hasn't been recognized as much here in the US for his work but he is one of my favorite future stars. Re-watching "The Social Network," I think he earned his nomination here from his absolutely gripping scene in the Facebook headquarters near the end of the film. Watch it again and you will believe too.


-Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan)
-David Fincher (The Social Network)
-Tom Hooper (The King's Speech)
-Christopher Nolan (Inception)
-David O. Russell (The Fighter)

A film cannot be brilliant without its director. Fincher is always respected and I think he should be incredibly proud of creating a film about Facebook that easily could have turned into a joke. Well-done.

"The Social Network" is deserving of a sweep. I think "The King's Speech" will win most of the awards though. It's a period piece, which the Hollywood Foreign Press Association loves and who isn't a sucker for British accents? The Fighter being nominated so frequently is mind-boggling and frankly, a bit ridiculous. Christian Bale is the only nominee that makes sense. 127 Hours should have earned a Best Director nomination in Danny Boyle but he was probably overshadowed by his previous work on "Slumdog Millionaire." "True Grit" is a surprising omission this year. Of course, "No Country For Old Men" was a recent accolade for the Coen Brothers but I think the simplicity of "True Grit," carried by a 12-year old girl and Jeff Bridges (another snub) still stick in my mind several hours after viewing it.

My film critiques are typically a lot better. I should not wait until the end of a night to even try explaining myself. ;)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

this is the new year.

I'm working on starting this blog over for 2011. There is a lot I still need to learn, as it is nothing like LJ, ahaha. I have gotten so used to LJ's design for the past 7 years that anything else is a challenge for me. However, I will be adding links to other blogs that I have been enjoying, as well as more about the process for my trip to Italy (and then ABOUT my trip when I get there!).

Enjoy today's featured blog:
Turning The Clock Back

Check out the GIVEAWAYS over there, which are awesome. My favorites are the Barista Bath & Body and Libretea giveaways. Yum.
